
Saturday, July 14, 2007

Oracle GRID Computing

For years, when you needed more computing capacity, you bought more expensive computers. Now, with the Oracle Grid, add capacity on demand with one inexpensive PC server at a time for superior scalability and fast ROI. And if one department needs more capacity, use Oracle software to borrow it from another while the grid just keeps running. The Oracle Grid. Runs faster. Costs less. And never break

Grid Benifits

• Flexibility to meet changing business needs
• High quality of service at low cost
• Faster computing for better information
• Investment protection and rapid ROI

Oracle Grid Computing: Standardization

Every business today has a mix of server and storage technologies. By standardizing these technologies, you can significantly lower costs and in the process form the basis of a grid computing infrastructure. Here are some of the grid computing technologies that will drive down the cost of your infrastructure:
Low-cost, high volume Intel or AMD processors provide the benefits of proprietary processors at a fraction of the cost
Blade server technology reduces the cost of hardware and increases the density of servers

Network storage technologies such as Network Attached Storage (NAS) and Storage Area Networks (SANs) further reduce disk storage costs
Gigabit Ethernet and Fibre Channel drives down the cost of connecting clusters of servers

Linux provides a cost-effective and enterprise-ready operating system
Once you've standardized on low-cost servers and storage, consolidate your databases, application servers and storage, and automate day-to-day management tasks.

Oracle Grid Computing: Consolidate

Another step toward grid computing is to consolidate your infrastructure using clusters of servers. Oracle 10g is the only infrastructure that has full grid server cluster capabilities for all applications–transaction processing (OLTP), decision support (DSS), and enterprise content management. With Oracle Application Server clusters and with the Oracle Real Application Clusters option for the Oracle Database you can increase reliability and reduce management costs by as much as 20%. And only Oracle can run your existing applications in a grid computing environment with no rewrite required.

Oracle Grid Computing: Automate

Automate your grid so you can manage it effectively as it grows. Because enterprise grids can have hundreds, potentially thousands of servers, a grid is simply too large to be managed manually server-by-server. Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g has automated the day-to-day maintenance required for an enterprise grid, and provides a centralized management console called Oracle Grid Control.
Software installation, patching, upgrading, workload balancing, security, and much more are all handled centrally from Oracle Grid Control. This means the entire infrastructure can be managed as one large computing system. One or a few administrators can maintain even the largest grid data center.

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