
Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oracle 10g Features

High Availability

Enterprises have used their information technology (IT) infrastructure to provide competitive advantage, increase productivity, and empower users to make faster and more informed decisions. However, with these benefits has come an increasing dependence on that infrastructure. Should a critical application, server or data become unavailable, the entire business can be placed in jeopardy. Revenue and customers can be lost, penalties can be owed, and bad press can have a lasting effect on customers and a company's reputation. Building a high availability IT infrastructure is critical to the success and well being of all enterprises in today's fast moving economy.

Grid computing is a new computing architecture that effectively pools large numbers of servers and storage into a flexible, on-demand computing resource for all enterprise computing needs. Technology innovations like low-cost blade servers, small and inexpensive multiprocessor servers, modular storage technologies, and open source operating systems like Linux provide the raw material for the Grid. By harnessing these technologies, and leveraging the Grid technology available in the Oracle Database 10g, enterprises can deliver extremely high quality of service to their users while vastly reducing their expenditures on IT.

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