
Monday, March 12, 2007

WEB 2.0 Experiance

Web 2.0 - Page Flakes

Pageflakes is your personalized startpage on the Internet. Your address book, local weather information, to-do-list, news, blogs and much more – all on one page that you can access from anywhere.

you can experiance the power of web 2.0 easily,
Signup PageFlakes at:

Why should we use Pageflakes?

Until now you had to go to different web sites to check your email, start Web searches, get weather information and so on. With Pageflakes, everything you need is on one page! You can also use Pageflakes to keep up with your favorite blogs and news feeds. And best of all, it's free!

Most flakes can be customized to your personal preferences. For example, you can enter your ZIP code in Weather Flake to get the local weather forecast for your area, and you can enter a category like "sports" in YouTube Video Flake to get videos from that category. To choose your settings, just click on the little "EDIT" link at the top right of the flake.

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